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clan macleod pipe band

pipeband in sydney australia

clan macleod pipe band

pipeband in sydney australia

When the Association ceased to function in the late 1950s the band continued independently. However the band felt rather orphaned having been used to being part of a larger organization.

Television hit Australia in 1956 and the impact on the Mosman monthly dances was devastating as members chose this new entertainment medium over the more traditional social gatherings.

In 1954 the (late) Bruce MacLeod had formed the Clan MacLeod Society in NSW, preparing for the first visit of the Clan Chief. If there were other Clan Societies in Australia they were certainly not very visible. He hired the Mosman Pipe Band to welcome The Clan Chief, Dame Flora MacLeod of MacLeod as she stepped from the QANTAS Super Constellation at Sydney Airport, and at several official functions. The Pipe Major, Ron Clement was approached to be piper to the Clan, so a firm and lasting connection was made.

In 1963 the Clan Society voted to pay £50 to charity for all the Mosman band gear - 8 sets of Lawrie bagpipes, drums and well-worn uniforms.

The clansfolk and band members worked hard to raise money to be outfitted in the tartan of the Chief for her third visit in 1964. From that time onwards the band has been affiliated with the Clan Society, although managing ourselves and being financially independent.

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