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billy mitchell scottish pipe band

pipeband in milwaukee wisconsin

billy mitchell scottish pipe band

pipeband in milwaukee wisconsin

The Billy Mitchell Scottish is a not-for-profit organization (all funds are fed back into the growth of the band) that provides its members a chance to inform as well as entertain the general public. Through a variety of engagements, including but not limited to holiday parades, corporate banquets, music festivals, heritage exhibitions, commencement cerimonies and a multitude of other public and private events. The organization has had over four decades of success in this realm.

A special feature of the Billy Mitchell Scottish, one that is unique among Scottish Highland pipe bands, is our association with Milwaukee’s foremost Scottish dancing group - the Caledonian Scottish Dancers. Today, most functioning Highland pipe bands in North America perform as solo groups with a repertoire of music suitable for parades, competitions or simply as entertainment. However, the Billy Mitchell Scottish offers a far more robust entertainment package.

Along with the Caledonian Scottish Dancers, the Billy Mitchell Scottish provide an authentic display of Scottish traditional and contemporary music and dance. By presenting an array of dance and musical styles, the Billy Mitchell Scottish can offer an entertainment solution for almost any event looking for something fresh yet rooted in tradition and ethnicity.

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