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the irish pipers club

bagpipe instruction in seattle washington

the irish pipers club

bagpipe instruction in seattle washington

The club holds monthly meetings to conduct club business, play tunes, and help learning pipers. Meeting dates, places and times are listed on the meetings page.

The Irish Pipers’ Club was started in 1979 in San Francisco.

In 1981 Denis Brooks, one of the founders - who now lives in Ireland - moved to Seattle, and the Irish Pipers’ Club and the Pipers’ Review has continued to use this piper-friendly city for its base of operations.

The Irish Pipers’ Club and the San Francisco Pipers Club work together and share the annual West Coast Tionol.

Please have a look around our website and, if you are not already a member, consider joining.

As a member you will receive regular issues of the Pipers’ Review and access to the Pipers’ Review online archive.

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