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new hampshire police association

pipeband in manchester new hampshire

new hampshire police association

pipeband in manchester new hampshire

The New Hampshire Police Association Pipes & Drums was formed following the tragic death of New Hampshire State Police Sgt. James Noyes. Sgt. Noyes was shot and killed in October 1994, during a stand off with an armed barricaded subject. After the Boston Police Gaelic Column played at the funeral, a search was initiated for potential players to start a New Hampshire Police Pipe Band. In December 1994 several dedicated individuals from various police departments got together for their first practice at Memorial High School in Manchester. After 2 years of dedicated practice, the band made it's official debut in 1996, playing at the New Hampshire Police Memorial in Concord. The band has competed in Grade V competitions at both Hunter Mountain NY and Loon Mountain in New Hampshire.

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