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milngavie pipe band

pipeband in glasgow scotland

milngavie pipe band

pipeband in glasgow scotland

We are based to the North of Glasgow, in central Scotland. We now have a Grade 3a, a grade 4a and a Novice juvenile’s band.

Milngavie is situated to the North of Glasgow, in central Scotland.

Situated in the heart of Milngavie, in Ashfield Road, it first appeared on a map dated as far back as 1807.

It belonged to the Mains’ Estate. It was the only building west of the Main Street.

Stretched from the River Allander in a westerly direction, as Gavin’s Mill, its northern boundary was Craigdhu Road.

See map from 1860. Although the building was recorded at this time, its construction points to a date before 1800. The Ashfield cottage, so was called the building at that time, had a thatched roof.

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