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timmins police pipes and drums

pipe band in timmins ontario

timmins police pipes and drums

pipe band in timmins ontario

The Timmins Police Pipes and Drums was formed by Tom Luke in the summer of 2000.

This volunteer band is comprised of police, correctional officers, and, for the most part, civilians. We are open to the public and are actively looking for new pipers and drummers.

Our current membership is 19. We are an instructional band, teaching bagpipes and drums in weekly classes at no charge to the student. In our short history, we have performed at numerous events in Northern Ontario. Some of our members even performed in the Tunes of Glory Pipefest Parade in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2005. We have also had past performances at the Warriors Day Parade in Toronto, the July 4th festivities in Northern Michigan, the Ontario Police College in Aylmer, and the Saint Patrick’s Day parade in Savannah, GA and New York City

The Timmins Police Pipes and Drums is co-sponsored by the Timmins Police Association and the Timmins Police Service. Our band wears the “Modern Lamont” tartan. The Norse translation for this tartan is “Lawgiver,” a fitting tartan for a police sponsored band.

The Timmins Police Pipes and Drums is under the direction of Pipe Major Tom Luke. We are proud musical ambassadors for the Timmins Police Service and Association, and the City of Timmins.

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